He will never know..!!

He does not know
Nor does he feel like knowing
Like hell the adrenaline flows
Veins pumped up for the show
The sun has risen
And the day of reckoning is here
He has been used
But it does not matter
Coz his victory is deemed to be here
Some kind of psychedelia takes him over
Ahh, the infinite mind, thoughts & time
Calculus so damn easy
The boundless ever-expanding space hovers
The bell rings and
The hallucination disappears

Hurry my dear, Hurry now
For you have little time left now
The drug took your time to make you fail
To create what you thought infinite
But don’t worry; the master wanted it that way
Witness the futile sympathies
And the dying empathy

Come, come to me son
It’s time to expand your horizons
Thou shall fly with the wings of freedom
Drunk you always will be
Time your enemy, Love your deficiency
The fractal of life unravelled
Carry Sun’s darkness and Jupiter’s gravity
You were destined to be master, Jack
Envious some are, Jealous some always will be
He didn’t know, neither did he feel like knowing

The melodies have ignited a flame
He realizes it is late
But they say it is never too late
The adrenaline is still there
And it’s time to play
But he could not beat the Fibonacci
His hands left just to applaud
He has been selfish, humane
The servant of all was never revered
He has been used
It matters, he has been abused
Not by companions, but by friends

It’s time to kneel before Time
It’s time to hate love
Why can’t he sedate time?
Why can’t he renounce love?
He will never know neither will he ever feel like knowing.

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And she said, “Hug Me”.

There she was, standing in front of me
Glowing with confidence and beauty
In her eyes, I could see the pain somewhere
But not a tear coz her ego won’t let it appear

There I was, standing in front of her
Feeling dejected and guilty
With eyes flooded with water
Coz losing your best friend is not easy

Oh God how can I do it
How can I tell her!
That I love her
Was all I was thinking!

The worry kept creeping in
And my heart palpitating
Coz I am wondering
What her mind is cooking

The moments grew silent
And I feel within me a sense of repent
The silence itself being the answer
That I have lost nothing but her

On me her eyes were riveted
And shock she was filled with
Coz never had she thought
This way the end to our friendship would be brought

As she came nearer
The heartbeats grew faster
Lifting my heavy eyebrows, I saw her face
And in my heart, I felt a lifetime solace

Exquisite was she looking as always
And as she further neared the distance
She suddenly said ‘HUG ME’
Which stunned all my senses

Loveliest moment in my life it was
Though it lasted for few seconds
I had got the answer
And an indescribable feeling that would last forever

Categories: Uncategorized

An article on Terrorism I wrote few years ago..!!

LOOK! There is a father playing with his toddler. See there! A group of college youths chirping, playing and celebrating their friend’s birthday bash. There, I see an aged couple having a peaceful evening walk; two pretty girls jogging with their I-pods on and two mischievous boys stalking both of them; some old chaps criticizing Indian cricket team’s performance and some doing the famous laughing exercise. Wow! The cool breeze, the rustling of leaves, the soothing weather and the lighted musical fountains; all adding to the beauty of this exquisite garden. I can see that each of them has put their quota of worries and tensions aside and are now trying to pursue the path of happiness in their own ways. Do you know what other thing is common among them…???? The answer is that none of them knows about the impending danger.

BOOOOOOOM!!!!!! Suddenly there is a deafening noise in the park. For a second I stood still unable to comprehend -> What the Fuck is happening? Then struck the inevitable answer to mind that someone has detonated a bomb. It took only a fraction of second to transform those lively and happy beings to mere inactive dead beings. People have gone berserk but I have not moved an inch. The toddler, lucky to survive, is trying to wake up his father who is nothing more than an ash now; his soft little fingers inspecting the cold stiff body of his father. Some of those college youths are wailing, crying for help and some have left the cruel world. The aged couple is lying motionless. For those pretty girls and boys I could only say that they had to explore so many things in their future lives. And those old chaps would have never imagined such a death in their wildest dreams. I can see corpses all around; smell death, havoc and destruction; hear wailings, painful cries; feel fright, silence, and shiver; and speak nothing.

But guess what, Pakistan condemns attack, even USA condemns it & Indian citizens condemn it. I condemn it, my parents condemn it, and my friends condemn it. Ohhh, what a nice gesture it is by each and every one of us. Isn’t it? What we witness in the subsequent days is -> slogans of ‘terrorists murdabaad’, ‘None of your activities can break our unity’, ‘We will answer you strongly’, ‘The world is united against terrorism’ blah blah blah and processions everywhere.PM says that investigations are going on and as soon as the perpetrators are known, India gonna retaliate & yeah he condemns attack. Even the TV viewers are pumped up and they are thinking ‘Bahut ho gaya (We have suffered a lot), BC ab to kuch karna hi padega (it’s time for action)’. But this is adrenaline rush; isn’t it? That persists for some time. As soon as it’s over, everyone comes back to normal. Be it the common citizens, the government, me or you. If you ask me the reason to that, then it is that we have not lost any of our friends or acquaintances in the accident. We are not able to empathize with the ones who have lost their closed ones and think ki ‘apna to koi nahi mara, chod ab kya hi kar sakte hai (none of our closed one died and we can’t do anything about it now)’. So we start leading the normal life and think that let us leave our fate to the future. And to be honest, even I do the same. And so the question is what needs to be done besides condemning.

So who are these guys? They are the terrorists who slaughter many innocent lives just to serve their baseless and selfish motives. Terrorism is one of the most festering issues these days and it has indeed taken a form of an irremovable menace. It seems to be an immortal curse on this world. The frequency of terrorist attacks is escalating day by day and so are the casualties. No one can guess what lies beneath the irrational minds of these assholes. We all are against them and want to eradicate this fuckin word ‘Terrorism’ from our lives so that everyone can lead a safe and a peaceful live without taking the tension as to when we gonna get blown apart. Truly terrorism has taken a form of a healthy tree which holds the power to ruin our beautiful earth, the only place we have to live in. And how to deal with it effectively still remains unanswerable.

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MeWell, I am Pulkit Singhal currently studying in IIIT Hyderabad.Writing is a hobby of mine and I thought that it would be fun sharing some of my writeups here. I hope you enjoy reading them the way I enjoy writing them.

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